What does God look like?
Trying to paint a picture, beyond the social and religious constructs, of God, I realized I would need numerous canvases. On each one I would paint a picture of you, you and you. In each picture, there would be mountains, rivers, and streams. The ocean would be there along with all of the animals, birds, and bees. The canvas would have a sunset, sunrise, rainbows, storms, and everything in between.
How do I paint a picture of God when God is in everything I see?
God is in the roses, daisies, butterflies and the wind, a child’s laughter, the ladybug and even in goofy grins. God's in the face of the person standing on the corner and the one living in the mansion. God is in the face of the addict and the one tending to the sick. God is in the waves in the ocean and the ripple in the tiny brook. God is in the morning orchestra of birds and the wolves howling at the full moon. God is in the trees and the earth beneath my feet
How can I paint a single picture of God when God is in everything I see!