The Expression of The Soul is Authentic. . .
Jounda Strong, an inspirational, passionate speaker, artist, writer, and teacher, has spent most of her life on a journey of self-discovery. Using every experience, Jounda infuses her art and ministry with the message of love, empowerment, and encouragement. She teaches from a place of knowing what has proven to work for her will, at the very least, provide others with a springboard from which to discover their authentic self and to live life on purpose. Her artistic creations are expressions from her soul, and she is passionate about helping others live and create from their soul.
Everything is Spiritual with the Right Intent
My life journey is an example of discovering spirituality in everything. Born to a preacher, I cut my teeth on the church pew and at the age of 13, knew I was born for a purpose. I married, became a parent, and then chose the single-parent experience, which propelled my journey through incredible mazes of experience until landing in New Mexico in 2004. In the Land of Enchantment, personal authenticity quickly became the theme of self-discovery and now, is a way of life.
This process offers many opportunities to rethink belief systems and restore my natural passion for life, empowerment, encouragement, and creative expression. Diving head first into authentic, soulful expression, I live life on purpose expressing from my soul. I create my experience, I paint from my soul and I am outrageously passionate about walking my talk.
Jounda Strong